This time of year always makes me think of this painting. Starved for blue skies and sunshine, I feel giddy on a beautiful spring day!!
For anyone who reads this, I have this painting, Head Over Heels in Blue, and a few others, along with some of my cards, on display at Crooked Mile Gallery, just outside Phoenix, Oregon, 4495 North Pacific Hwy. It next to Catalyst Wine Collective, Clyde's Corner Pizza, and near the Greenway Bike Path. This Gallery has an extraordinary collection of modern & abstract artists and sculptors.
Seems like we are all starting fresh this Spring. The imminent threat of covid is passed, for the moment. And today, it is stormy with a week of snow, hail, wind, cold still coming, yet I am hopeful!
The dread of the war in Ukraine hangs over us though; a feeling of helplessness, brokenness, heartlessness. Can this be happening in 2022? Can there be such a despot still in the world willing to murder so many mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, destroy so entirely??
And why doesn't the world step in to stop this inhuman acting human? Can we be so bullied that we don't stand up for what is morally reprehensible? Where has our courage gone to stand up for what is right?
We must all do what we can. We have to do what we can.
But is it enough?
I pray that it is.